Thursday, June 15, 2006


How come nothing interesting ever happens to me?

Japanese food is fun, as is smashing two pan lids together to simulate cymbals. Just ask the Japanese chef (blue-belt). He had no idea where he was or what the hell was going on but my God, was he happy!

This weekend I will mostly be doing nothing. Despite my desire to do crazy exciting things, the most exciting thing I can usually muster at the weekend is a haircut. It's not that I'm not willing either. If Richard Branson called me up and told me to put on my overalls, because we're going ballooning, herds of rampaging wild hippopotami couldn't stop me. The problem is that I lack the "get-up-and-go" to organise anything myself, and everyone else is 'busy', which usually means that they could perhaps fit me in for half an hour of intense TV watching but it's just too much hassle. If you read this, Mr Branson, I'm free this weekend and can bring my own hob-nobs.

All things considered, I'll probably just stay in, play 'Half Life 2: Episode 1' which I bought this evening and cry.

I'm 22, I'm meant to be exciting

Saturday, June 10, 2006


No, it's not the noise a kitten would make with a bunged up nose (do cats get those?), it's the noise I make in my new car. As mentioned earlier, it has four wheels, a roof and an engine, as is the fashion of the time.

It looks exactly like this one:

Mmm, tasty.

Friday, June 02, 2006

I knew it

I knew I wouldn't be able to keep up writing regularly on this thing. The problem is that there's no penalty for not updating it - it's up to your conscience (of which I have little).

decemberunderground is predictably great despite the slander of some people. I was going to point out the outstanding tracks on the album here, but I'd end up putting them all, it'll be quicker to name the bits I'm not too fond of:

1. track 1 - prelude 12/21. Any song that brings to mind the work of Falco can't be good. To be honest it was quite a worrying introduction.

2. There's a rather heavy 'commit suicide' vibe running through the whole album: "Hey Miss Murder can I/Make beauty stay if I/Take my life". I just love those 'feel good' songs. After you with the razor blade.

Other than that it's a great album and Ilike their shift towards electronic music. It also feels slightly less produced than Sing the Sorrow which is good.

Music critique aside, nothing of note has happened really. I'm reading a historical book on pirates written by a Captain Charles Johnson in the 1726. It's basically a potted history of several cool pirates you've heard of eg Blackbeard, and several you haven't eg Captain Avery. It's surprisingly easy to read and is pretty cool. Most notable is the convention in 18th Century Spain to sign letters off with "I kiss your hand". How cool is that? Very cool I hear you cry.
Also cool is the use of the verb 'a-pirating'. It seems to mainly be used in the past tense, for example:

"Yar, tis many years since I have gone a-pirating, I be needing some booty"

Booty in this sense is taken to mean the 'pieces of eight' variety, rather than 'Jennifer Lopez ass'. "I kiss your hand" and 'a-pirating' are two phrases which I will do my utmost to return into common usage.

I went to see X-Men 3 tonight with my delightful Sophie. Although I spent most of the film explaining what had just happened, I still managed to follow it and found it to be...well, alright I suppose. Everyone dies by the way, I thought I'd put that there in case you hadn't seen it yet.

I paid £6 to be entered into the obligatory World Cup Sweepstake at work.


I've got no chance.

I kiss your hand