Sunday, May 28, 2006


I bought 'The Godfather' game for myself yesterday and I must say, it kicks ass. The graphics and attention to detail aren't quite up to GTA standards but that's not the point. What makes this game so great is the fact that it makes you think you're in the mother-trucking Mafia. Yes, I think that 'mother-trucking' was necessary.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Woo Hoo

Woo hoo indeed, for today is Friday and the start of a three day weekend. Despite all the problems thrown at us, this week at work was remarkably successful. I should be able to sign the paperwork for my loan tomorrow which has been approved. I get paid next week which will offset the financial black hole I'm currently circling. All in all I believe it may well be Martini time (TM).

My Name Is Earl was particularly funny tonight, especially Randy explaining what he would do if he were cut in half (work with his legs to get himself to hospital).

Thursday, May 25, 2006






Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Film review

Before my blog was eaten by the ether, I mentioned that I was going to watch Party Monster - a film about Club Kids in 1980's New York. Unfortunately it wasn't the gem I hoped it would be, although there were a couple of good bits (notably, a cross-dressing Marilyn Manson getting arrested after driving a juggernaut on LSD). It's worth watching but probably not worth buying.

I may have sorted out getting a loan today which sounds boring. You're right, doing financial things is boring. Money itself is nothing, it's a means to an end. Importantly, what money lets you do is...


I have my eye on a cheeky little Skoda Fabia with shiny wheels and a loud horn. I'll have to shell out to get some fluffy dice though. Geez, you didn't expect it to come with shiny wheels and fluffy dice did you? There's no pleasing some people.

Today I hate:
People who look at you like you're stupid for trying to squeeze on an already full metrolink. Does the fat bitch think I want to cram in there to be up to my eyebrows in armpit? Does she think I should walk the however many miles it is? Besides, 5 got off and only 3 got on, THAT MEANS THERE'S ROOM YOU IDIOT.


Rumours of my (blogs) death have been greatly exaggerated

Due to recent events (Gremlins) I've had to delete my blog and put it back again. So, here it is again. I'm writing this quickly before I go out for dinner but I'll write something more interesting later.